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Sunday, September 17, 2006

Baby Luke Headed to Kid U Ohio!

What is Luke doing?

Why, he is choosing his workshops for Kid U in Ohio next weekend! He's excited about the preconference Creativity Blitz and all the awesome presenters that he can learn from. So he is studying the schedule, wondering where he will lodge, checking out the directions and planning to register soon! Don't have a brochure? You can download one here! OK, now that my director of web operations is proud of all my shameless marketing links, what is the REAL reason Luke wants to go to Kid U? Because it is where he first met me!

Yes, it was at Kid U Chicago, this past March that I met this little baby boy for the first time, and as you can see, he loved me at first sight:

Well, ok, maybe not... but it is so fascinating to me that at the time of this picture, I had NO IDEA that I would be adopting this precious (screaming) little boy.

He wasn't so excited about Aunt Meepa either! (at least not in this picture)

And he even cried for his mom-to-be, though, again, Sara had NO IDEA at the time of this picture that we would soon be taking this baby into our home!

But, he did warm up to me by the end of the day! And Sara too.

OK, and even Aunt Meepa. (Meepa? That' my sisters nickname, see Luke on MommyMeepa's Blog)

So, what are you waiting for? Time to choose YOUR workshops for Kid U in Ohio next weekend! Join us for the Friday evening preconference featuring Mary Rice Hopkins and Darcie Maze at the Creativity Blitz and along with the other awesome presenters we have invited. Need a schedule?, wondering where to lodge, or needing directions?

COME MEET LUKE! So register soon! Don't have a brochure? Yes, you can still download one here! Now my director of web operations should be really proud of all my shameless marketing links! Go Google Ratings!

While I am taking a break from teaching workshops right now to focus on my new family, myself and Sara and Luke will be there and I am looking forward to seeing you and meeting many of you for the first time! Kid U is always such a wonderful time of fellowship with others who love kids and are passionate about reaching and teaching them for Jesus!




At 5:35 PM, September 19, 2006, Allison said...

Happy Birthday!

And Luke is adorable!

At 12:25 AM, September 23, 2006, Anonymous said...

I wish I could! But... we have our own conference the SAME weekend in Dayton... (an hour away)... *sigh*

HI LUKE!!!!!


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