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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I hate spiders...

I hate spiders. Well, ok. Maybe I don't HATE them, but I am scared of them.... but fascinated at the same time. Even as a boy, I liked spiders best IN BOOKS! In real life... they creep me out. And yet... I am drawn to them. I will trap them instead of kill them. I kept a HUGE spider in a container in my office until it died in a fierce pose, and it took it months to die. (Kids checked on it each week to see if it was still alive, it was caught by a GIRL in Awana!) I had a HUGE funnel spider on my porch last week, and I was sad when I killed it... I was trying to draw it out with a stick and accidently gave it a mortal wound. Had the dumb thing just come out, it would have survived! But I'm happy to say a new one, even bigger has moved in! But I've yet to get him to come out for and pose for a picture. But below are some pictures of two resident spiders, one in the front yard, and one from the back yard. Do I dare say enjoy??

They say the best way to conquer a fear is to face it up close... so this is an experiment to see if looking at these fellows (or ladies) up close and personal might cure my fear.... you be the judge...

(oh, and YES, click on any image for a wallpaper sized view of each!)

Yes, that's my house he is spying on....

Glad I'm not a bug!

In case you really wanted to see the other side...

My backyard buddy...

Did I mention I'm glad I'm not a bug?

I'm getting the chills....

In case you REALLY wanted a close up!

Are you cured of your fear???

me neither!

UPDATE: I got a picture of the huge spider on my porch. I hosed down his giant web and he came out to see what what was going on... the beads of water on his legs look cool: (click for the large image!)

Yikes! This guy is UGLY!

OK, one more... I think I found where this guy moved a day later... or else one of his kin:

and this will conclude my posting of spiders on my blog.... now I can't go to sleep!



At 12:13 AM, September 07, 2006, Mommymeepa said...

Ok, that was just sick and wrong on so many levels. EEEEeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! I am so grossed out and of course I had to look at that right before bed, so now when I go to bed I will feel like spiders are all over me. Thanks a lot and I need to know where are those spiders cause next time I come over I don't want to be anywhere near them. Gross!! Later, Melissa

At 2:04 AM, September 07, 2006, zoe said...

OK, this is weird, I just read THIS blog

At 12:07 PM, September 07, 2006, henryjz said...

Thanks a lot! I have an irrational fear of spiders. I physically jumped in my seat when I scrolled down to the first picture. I then quickly looked away and scrolled quickly by the rest of them. Thank God for the Mighty Mouse scroll wheel!

The only good spider is a dead one! It's hard for me to even look at those. Funny thing is that my favortie superhero is Spiderman... go figure!

Now, I will go the rest of my day watching out for spiders... Thanks... BTW, the movie Arachnaphobia won't cure you of a fear of spiders either... Shudder!

At 12:08 PM, September 07, 2006, henryjz said...

BTW, I will now not be able to look at your blog for a while until the spider post gets put down a few posts. :-) I guess that what bloglines is for.

At 6:45 PM, September 07, 2006, Timothy said...

HO-kay, then!
Like you, I have a fear of spiders, but also a fascination with them. I can watch spiders for hours, enjoy documentaries about them, and watch B-movies such as the "Giant Spider That Ate Chicago". In fact, the bigger the cinema arachnid, the less my fear.

But if one them begins any kind of movement toward me ("toward me" being defined as any course that takes the critter within two or three feet from me), I will find the biggest blunt object available and terminate it with extreme prejudice.

And then I'll shudder for ten minutes afterwards.

At 10:07 PM, September 07, 2006, Allison said...

I LOVE the Pics!

At 11:23 PM, September 07, 2006, Karl Bastian said...

Someone just told me today that they read somewhere that the average person EATS eight spiders in their lifetime.

How they figured that out, I have no idea.

At 11:34 PM, September 07, 2006, Mommymeepa said...

I found a site that talks about the eating spiders thing. Whoever told you that was way off. ;-) I'm sure they just heard it somewhere and were just quoting it without really doing their own research.



At 12:03 AM, September 08, 2006, Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm having nightmares now! I think Pastor Karl is right about eating them, but I'm not sure the correct amount. Believe it or not you eat them when you're sleeping. Okay forget the nightmares, I'm not sleeping now, thanks...Enjoyed the blogsite! But, not the spiders.

At 11:53 AM, September 14, 2006, Anonymous said...

If you want to see the Spiderman 3 trailer from the movie, go to this website.



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