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Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Hinson Memorial Baptist Church...

We are currently in Portland, OR. Not only did I get to visit with my long-lost buddy and pal Rich Stafford (as usual, more pics to come!), but we got to visit a dear sweet grandma named Evelyn Monnier. There is no slowing down this 85 year old saint! Just a few years ago, she and a friend (not much youger) drove all the way to Chicago for a visit, on the way to the Cove in North Carolina! This time it was our turn to make the trek. Returement is a time when most people slow down, but not for Evelyn. Since retirement she has served on the mission field and been active in church and was on staff with ISI. (International Students International) It was while she was in the Philippines serving with Sara's parents, that she was adopted as 'Grandma' to a 9 year old Sara.

Evelyn with a picture of herself at age twenty.

Quite a catch, eh?

Rock of Ages. This church supported Sara's folks years ago.

Tonight we went with Evelyn to church - Hinson Memorial Baptist Church - and met the children's ministry director, Judy Busch, who I was surprised to hear was a Kidology.org member and had been to one of my workshops at a CPC. (Children's Pastor's Conference)

No beating around the Busch!

Judy was very nice to give this last minute visitor a tour of the church. I was very impressed with how they have modernized a very old building. (Evelyn raved about the new elevator!)

A mom in the church painted this.

Many of the classrooms had nice murals, and most of the door frames in the classrooms were coordinated bright colors. It was very inviting. They are in the middle of renovating an awesome Resource Center for their volunteers. I made sure NOT to let Sara see it, since she is our Resource Center coordinator, and would never be happy again. :)

Kids must enter this room two by two. (j/k)

It was Awana night, and more specifically, it was GERBER BABY FOOD NIGHT! Meaning that for every verse you said, you got to feed your leader Gerber Baby Food.

I love creative ways to motivate kids!

This guy was seen happily finishing the baby food after the activity was over! :)

The neatest thing about Hinson that I saw, is that on Wednesday evening the whole church eats dinner together. One mom told me that it is the best way to serve the mothers who otherwise would not be able to come, or be less likely to be able/willing to volunteer. They have adult classes as well, so a large variety of people come, and after the meal, all go to serve, learn, teach, or feed people baby food.

Sara enjoyed finding this magnet on Evelyn's refrigerator, something she had made and sent to Evelyn from the Philippines in high school in the late 80's.



At 6:18 PM, May 26, 2005, Anonymous said...

Great rundown on Hinson, good to see an "outsiders" perspective - hope you enjoy the rest of your trip.

Mark Staples
Youth Pastor
Hinson Church


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