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Monday, April 25, 2005

On the Road Again, er, TRACKS

Or should it be 'trackin' with the Bastians?

Well, we are off on the next phase of our sabbatical...

I stopped by the office to grab a few things and was SHOCKED to see a new sign on my office door!

Soon we were at the station...

Sara booked us a huge comfortable room...

With views out BOTH sides of the train!

Soon we were leaving Chicago behind...

We went from tall building to farmland within 40 minutes...

I'm not sure how fast this train is, but it seems FAST - my guess at least 80mph if not overa 100 just trying to imagine a car going this fast... the train looks very old and worn, but is comfortable, and the ride isn't too bumpy... we'll see how it goes.

Yes, I am bloggin' from the train via my trusty cell phone which gets my laptop online. I was curious if I would get this post posted and not lose my connection, so far so good. Keep in touch! Post a comment below and say hi!

Good Bye Chicago, be back in a few weeks!



At 3:58 PM, April 25, 2005, Pastor Todd said...

Okay I am a little jealous with the whole Treo cell phone thing. Unfortunately I have only a Palm Zire 72. It does well and takes decent pictures but I would love to have the phone combo.

Have fun and we are praying for you here in Virginia, even though you are not coming here. Take care.

At 7:49 AM, April 26, 2005, Dave said...

I guess I would have to say that I'm a little jealous of your adventure and Treo!!

But seriously, blessings on your travels! Thanx for taking me with you thru this blog and the photos!!

At 10:31 PM, April 26, 2005, Dr. Boom said...

Have a great trip. Thanks for letting me go to the Convention with you via the net!

Tony aka Dr Boom

At 5:40 AM, May 05, 2005, Anonymous said...

Have a great break Sarah and Karl you guys are legends!
Rob from Australia


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