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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Through a Mother's Eyes

Tonight a father and son came over to watch the The Passion of the Christ at my house as part of their Easter preparation. (I have a pretty sweet home theater in my basement that they wanted to 'borrow') It is a movie that I can handle watching about once a year. It is a powerful experience. If you have not seen it, you really should. (Read my review on Kidology.org) It is a very fitting film for Easter time as you can no longer be flipant or casual about Jesus' death after seeing this film. Anyway, as I continue to post my long-lost poetry, (torture to some I'm sure!), I was moved by the film to post a poem I wrote about the Crucifiction titled "Through a Mother's Eyes." It also is a song written in B minor, bu you'll have to use your imagination for that.

Through a Mother's Eyes

She stood there looking at her son,
She said, "I thought you were the one,
The Scriptures promised so long ago,
Who'd come to make us finally whole."
But now He hung there on a tree,
Bleeding, dying, in misery,
She saw the wounds, she heard his cries,
Through a Mother's Eyes

As she gazed up through eyes of tears,
Her thoughts traveled back through the years,
To when she'd first learned she'd have a son,
And those quiet years when He was young.
But all along she knew the day would come,
When he would cease to be her son,
And so she'd watched, as time went by,
Through a Mother's Eyes

But now He'd grown to be a man,
Sent by God to complete His plan,
He came to earth to bring us life,
To lift man's burden of sin and strife.
But still she could not understand,
Could this be what God had planned?
She heard him groan, she heard his sighs,
Through a Mother's Eyes

She looked up to His eyes above,
But instead of hate they burned with love.
Peace was flowing out of them,
Forgiveness to those He could condemn,
For in this shame and great disgrace,
He hung so He might take their place,
Now she started to see why...
Through a Mother's Eyes

Though He'd paid the greatest cost,
The victory had not been lost.
Her eyes were opened, now she could see,
Salvation now to man was free!
Jesus' redemptive work was done!
Satan trembled because Christ has won!
For he knew that now his greatest loss,
Was the soul of every soul who would
Through a Mother's Eyes

Karl Bastian, ~1984

I'm not sure how theologically sound it is - but hey, I was still in junior high and hadn't gone to Bible college yet. But I think the point is made even if we don't truly know what was going through Mary's heart and mind as she watched her son die. No one seemed to understand what was truly happening... but we DO, and so we have a greater responsibility to respond!

That Jesus volunteered to go through all of that on my account... well, there just aren't words to describe it. I found another poem about the crucifixion, but I want to save it until Good Friday. Hope this encouraged you to focus on the cross. It is the great equalizer.



At 10:57 AM, March 30, 2007, Anonymous said...

Have you heard the song "why" by Nicole Nordemon? It also pricks the heart at the amount of love and anguish experienced by God and Jesus on the cross. It is told from three perspectives; a little girl happening upon the crucifixion, Jesus asking God to forgive the people and finally God reminding His son the glory of this sacrifice. God reminds His son that the little girl watching is the reason for it all. I cryed my eyes out the first time I heard it. Just another powerful reminder that love far outweighed the agony, pain and brutality of the cross.

At 6:14 PM, March 30, 2007, Tyler said...

It's not torture to me. Rhymes have a complete feel to them. When all the lines match up it really works.

At 7:59 PM, March 30, 2007, Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this. I had my devotions in Luke 23 & 24 today, and my devotional thoughts went along the theme of "Unless the Lord opens our eyes, we will not see Jesus when we open His Word."

Karl I appreciate your work, even from your youthful days! (but i must tell you, it's not "crucifiction", but "crucifixion." )

At 8:00 PM, March 30, 2007, Karl Bastian said...

ooops, thanks, typo fixed. can i blame it on posting at midnight? or should i just admit that spelling isn't one of my spiritual gifts. (I'm actually fixing some typos as I type these in, so I am improving!) :)

At 1:14 AM, April 06, 2007, Anonymous said...

A great poem, most amazing for your junior high years. I do plan to watch The Passion before Easter. I've owned it a full year and have never seen it.


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