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Thursday, December 21, 2006

No Need to Dream, White Christmas is Here!

I'm not dreaming of a White Christmas, because a White Christmas is HERE! Officially named the "Holiday Blizzard of '06" by the news media, snow has arrived here in Colorado. (And I hear it is raining in Chicago, my poor friends and family)

So I decided to go for a nice snowy walk this morning...

These people are in for a surprise when they come
out their front door or try to pull out of the garage!

The snow is pretty deep in some places,
even an SUV would risk getting stuck!

I even spotted some wild life! and dared to approach!

The wolf with its prey, a flattened basketball!
He looked hungry, so I slowly moved on.

Here are my feet in the snow, almost up to my knees!

The holes my feet left to see how deep it is!

Hard to tell? I tossed my gloves down the holes to show the depth of the snow.

Having fun with colors, reminds me of the song, "I'll have a blue Christmas...."

Just another picture from my walk.

from Karl, Sara and Luke



At 3:23 PM, December 21, 2006, Timothy said...

(Sigh) Feeling a little homesick at the moment. I was born and raised in southern Colorado, then returned there to pastor churches in Florence and Pueblo. I miss the beauty and the variety of the region. Thanks for bringing it back via your pics.

And before I forget, have a wonderful Christmas!

At 9:16 AM, December 22, 2006, Tannerman said...

>> "Holiday Blizzard of '06"

Whew, and here I was worried they'd call it the "Chanukah Blizzard of '06" So glad they came to their inclusive senses.

At 6:33 PM, December 23, 2006, Anonymous said...

Ken and I will be in Colorado Springs for the holidays. We are coming in about 12 hours. We will be there from the 24th to the 31st. How Bizarre is that???? What A&W was that? I am going to ask for my MD in a frosty mug too! that should freak them out!
Ohh... noo... I just thought... tell Tannerman I am NOT stalking you! We bought these tickets a long time ago.HA.! Shelly and Ken Sexton

At 10:18 AM, December 29, 2006, Mommymeepa said...

When are you coming home? I miss you guys. Lukey, I miss you. Come home. I have a big Christmas present for you. Come home soon!!

Missing my neighbors,


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