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Friday, March 31, 2006

Signs of Spring...

Figures... plan a project to be indoor all day all week, and the weather will be beautiful! There are lots of signs of Spring.... like graffiti!

Yes, I came outside in the dark after painting all day and found my car had been vandalized by the youth of the church. Though, you can't really complain about having "I love Pastor Karl" spralled across your window!

Another view of the artwork... Not visible in the glare is an Apple Mac apple. :-)

That's right! It's a PK Cruiser! (not pt)

So it was off to the car wash to get my car all cleaned at my local BP gas station.

I was curious if the auto car wash could get the lettering off...

It tried really hard, but I still had to hand wash the windows afterward.

This was cool, you could read the "PK Cruiser" in the rear view mirror. It is, of course, reversed on the back window reading from the inside, but reversed again when read in the mirror, so what you are actually seeing is double-reversed. I know, I am easily amused!

Back to "Signs of Spring." On my drive in this morning, I had to stop due to a sleeping turtle in the road! Not sure how many people would stop to help this dumb little guy. (Can you say "road pizza?')

Yes, he was alive, but rather shy. He just kinda glared at me, obviously annoyed that I disturbed his special sleeping spot.... in the middle of the road.

Funny, just a short walk away (for a human anyway) was a nice forrested yard with a lake! So I carried him there and plopped him down by the water.

The view here is much better than the middle of the road.... and no tires rolling toward him!

On my walk back I noticed that hidden in amongst all this bleak winter foliage were three little bright purple flowers forcing their way up and announcing that "Spring is Here."

Funny, how we are often like that turtle. We are on our way to a better place, but often content to stop and rest short of our destination. And sometimes, even putting ourselves in great danger at the same time. But God enjoys stopping, picking us up, and taking us to where we need to be. And he probably chuckles at us too sometimes. And in the midst of a bleak world, he loves to give us little glimpses of good things that are to come.

So get off the road and push on.... the water isn't really that far away!



At 12:31 PM, March 31, 2006, CTLady said...

Ah, if everyone could have this much fun on their way to work! :) Thanks for reminding us that God is with us all along the way.

At 12:57 PM, March 31, 2006, henryjz said...

How funny to find a turtle in the middle of the road like that. How cliche!

You can always tell when someone is a pastor. They are always finding ways to turn their life into a sermon illustration :-)

At 4:51 PM, March 31, 2006, Tannerman said...

I would have run over the turtle.

At 10:19 PM, March 31, 2006, The wife said...

I thought the same thing, Henry, I said to Karl after reading this, "You are such a pastor, always finding a way to turn everything into an illustration...or object lesson!"

At 2:42 AM, April 07, 2006, Michael Kaufmann said...

I certainly like Pastor Karl's website and all the activities therein! But, what most charmed me was that Turtle in the Road! When I was based in the South with the Navy, I drove a lot on woodsy roads near swamps, etc. in the Southern States of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas. There were always plenty of turtles trying to cross the roads! It bothered me that the local people took all these turtles for granted and tried to run them over! I figured this was a terrible lack of respect for Nature, because most of these turtles were OLDER than me! (Respect for seniors helped me in the Navy!) Anyway, Bless Pastor Karl's heart for saving that poor, confused creature!
I see Pastor Karl gets a lot of mileage out of his PK Cruiser! And so do I with my MINI!


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