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Friday, September 16, 2005

Kid U Columbus has begun...

Tonight was the Kid U Pre-conference: Creativity Blitz! It was a showcase of our speakers talents all centered around the theme of "Bear Much Fruit!" We have people attending from Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, West Virginia, Michigan in addition to throughout Ohio. (not counting our speakers from Illinois and Indiana.)

Kid U has begun! First to arrive was Pastor Kal Kilchrist, her son Chad (not pictured here) and a youth helper Cheryl. (http://kidzkick.org) Kal is one of the most creative children's pastors I have met! She is highly energetic and always brings a bunch of people with her and a host of props. She had to drive from Chicago because of all the props she brings to her workshops!

Next, the Laflins arrived! (David and Teesha) They are the BEST Christian Illustionist team in the country! We have used them at our church for an outreach, as well as featured at Kid U North last year! Their performances are incredible - but even more amazing is their heart and kids and ministry. They came all the way from Sterling, Colorado!

On of our sponsors for the event is Discipleland. They have been long time supporters of Kidology events. We are glad to have Dick Crider here to do some training as well. Dick is a veteran of children's ministry and his workshops get rave reviews!

We are super excited to have, for the first time, Rob Biagi, at a Kid U event! His first CD, "You're a V.I.P." was a smash hit in children's ministry. We are excited to carry his latest album as well, Get Out There! He is performing tomorrow night, but during the singing tonight, he did come up and lip sync to his own music.

This is Baby Biagi - Natalie. She is very sweet, and likes to eat anything and pull hair. (or both)

Pastor Kim and Rob jammin' on stage! Rob is a very humble guy, and his love for people is obvious. We consider him a super star of children's ministry and so honored to have him at Kid U!
I didn't get any more pics, because after this I was up to EmCee with Gus. It was a fun night! There will be photo highlights on Kidology.org after the event.



At 5:01 AM, September 17, 2005, Dave said...

It looks like a lot of fun!! I wish I was there!! I visited Kim's church this summer on my way to the Fellowship of Christian Magician's conference. My kids had a blast at her church.

Blessings ont he conference and to all of the attendees!!

At 4:20 PM, September 17, 2005, Mommymeepa said...

I absolutely LOOOOVE the picture of you and baby natalie. That is one of the cutest pictures of you and a little one. Her look is great. Her death grip on your hair is great and your expression is great. Love it. Praying for you guys.

Have fun.

At 1:44 AM, September 18, 2005, henryjz said...

Wow! I wish I was there! Have fun. I can't wait to hear and see all that happens at Kid U.


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